
ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the King City High School Site Council. It can be referred to as the Council or the SSC. 

ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The SSC shall: 1. Plan, monitor and evaluate the activities and expenditures for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. 2. Develop and approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement and related expenditures in accordance with all laws and regulations. This plan shall include all of the following: a. Curricula, instructional strategies and materials responsive to the individual needs and learning styles of each pupil. b. Instructional and auxiliary services to meet special needs. c. A staff development program for teachers, other school personnel, paraprofessionals, and volunteers, including those participating in special programs. d. Ongoing evaluation of the educational program of the school. e. Other activities and objectives as established by the council. 3. Recommend the plan and expenditures to the governing board for approval. 4. Advise and approve the School Safety Plan. 

 ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP The SSC shall be composed of twelve (12) members, half school personnel and half parents/students. Parents/Community Members: 3 members Students: 3 members Administration: 1 member (the Principal) Support Staff: 1 member Faculty: 4 members Parents/community members shall not be employees of the school site. Parent/community members shall serve for two years and be elected at the Open House held near the beginning of each school year. One will be elected in the fall of odd numbered years and two will be elected in the fall of even numbered years. Student members shall serve for two years. After being nominated by faculty and staff, they will be voted on by leadership students. Two will be elected in the fall of odd numbered years and one will be elected in the fall of even numbered years. The Principal will serve as the administration SSC member. The SSC member representing support staff will be elected in the spring of odd numbered years by CSEA for a two year term starting the following fall. The CTA will elect two of the four faculty members to serve on the SSC during the regular CTA election held each spring for a two year term starting the following fall. If there are no interested candidates, the CTA Executive Board will appoint the SSC faculty member(s) to serve for a two year term. If a SSC faculty member cannot complete their term, the CTA Executive Board will appoint a faculty member to serve until the end of that term. Resignation will be accepted by written notice to the President. The council, by affirmative vote of two-thirds of all members, can suspend or expel a member. Other than the faculty members, a vacancy on the Council shall be filled for the remainder of the school year by appointment by the Council. All elected members shall commit to serve a two year term. Six of the Council will be elected during odd years and five elected during even years. At the first regular SSC meeting of the year, each member's current term of office shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. 

ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS The officers of the SSC shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and other officers as the Council may deem desirable. The principal may not serve as the chairperson. SSC officers should be parents if at all possible. The officers shall be elected annually and shall serve for one year. An officer may be removed by a two-thirds vote of all members whenever, in the judgment of the Council, the best interest of the Council would be served thereby. Duties of the President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the SSC. The President shall provide a written agenda. The President shall be responsible for signing a completed annual program plan and all other written communications of the SSC upon approval and acceptance by the majority of the Council. The President shall be responsible for compliance with the State of California Education Code and the policies and regulations of the District. Duties of the Vice-President: The Vice-President shall substitute for the President during his absence and represent the President in assigned duties. Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings, both regular and special. Copies shall be provided to members and other persons as directed by the SSC. At the first regular meeting of the year, the Secretary shall include a register of the address and phone numbers of each member of the Council.

 ARTICLE V - MEETINGS AND QUORUM The SSC shall meet regularly, at least ten (10) times a year. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority vote. Written agendas of all regular meetings shall be posted in the office window at least 72 hours in advance of the meetings. All meetings will be held in a facility provided by the school and readily accessible to all members of the public. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) or more members, with a minimum of one (1) representative from each group (parent, student, faculty & other) present to approve Council business. If a quorum with proper representation is not present, then the meeting will be postponed. 

ARTICLE VI - VOTING Each member will have one vote on each matter. A chosen alternate may vote in the absence of a member, but absentee ballots will not be permitted. In all cases, voting shall be by the council as a whole. 

ARTICLE VII - PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES SSC meetings shall be governed by these by-laws and any disputes will be settled by Robert's Rules of Order. 

ARTICLE VIII - LIMITATIONS Only Council members may take part in the meeting except those requested by the Council to make a presentation. Interested persons may address the President and request permission to give their views to the Council on any agenda item. Time allotments during open discussion may be assigned. The Council shall not sponsor or become involved in money raising activities. 

ACTICLE IX - COMMITTEES The SSC may at any time establish and/or abolish standing or special committees. No such committee may exercise the authority of the SSC. 

ARTICLE X - BY-LAWS These by-laws may be amended by proposal at any regular meeting. The proposed by-law changes are to be given to all members of the SSC within ten (10) school days after proposal. Final action may not be taken before the next regularly scheduled meeting. A two-thirds affirmative vote by members present is necessary to amend. Adherence to all District policies regulating SSC's shall be in operation in the governance of all council meetings. By-laws shall be translated into Spanish and other languages by request as needed. Copies shall be available at every SSC meeting and in the front office of the school site. Copies shall be available at the SSC election held during the Open House at the beginning of the school year.