On-Line Acceptable Use Policy
Internet and On-line Services: User Obligations and Responsibilities
Users wanting to use the school’s Internet or on-line services agree to do so in accordance with the user obligations and responsibilities specified below:
- The user in whose name an account is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Users shall keep account information, home addresses and telephone numbers private. They shall use the system only under their own account name.
- The system shall be used only for purposes related to education. Commercial, political and/or personal use of the district’s system is strictly prohibited. The district reserves the right to monitor any on-line communication for improper use. Information transmitted through the system is not private.
- Users shall not use the system to encourage the use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, nor shall they promote unethical practices or any activity prohibited by law or district policy.
- Users shall not transmit or receive materials that are threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit, or that could be constructed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age disability, religion or political beliefs.
- Copyrighted material may not be placed on the system without the author’s permission. Users may download copyrighted material for their own use only, as long as “fair use” restrictions are being observed.
- Vandalism will result in the cancellation of user privileges. Vandalism includes uploading, downloading or creating computer viruses and/or any malicious attempt to harm or destroy district equipment or materials or the data of any other user.
- Users shall not read other users’ mail or files; they shall not attempt to interfere with users’ ability to send or receive electronic mail or change another user’s passwords nor shall they attempt to read, delete, copy, move, modify or forge other user’s files.
- Users are expected to keep messages brief and use appropriate language. Users should not indiscriminately address messages to broad audiences. Messages posted to multiple recipients should be sent as a single message with multiple addresses. Users should not transmit messages or other materials with misleading titles. Users should not forward another user’s communications without their express prior consent.
- Users may not use passwords, recognition codes, security access information, or physical locking devices without prior consent.
- Users shall report any security problem or misuse of the network to the teacher or principal.
- Cyber Bullying will result in the cancellation of user privileges. South Monterey County Joint Union High School District provides access to the Internet for students, faculty and staff. Students must have permission from at least one of their parents or guardians to access the Internet at school.
Parents/guardians, please understand that this access is designed for educational purposes only. You should also recognize that employees of the school or school system may not be able to restrict access to all controversial materials on the Internet. We will not hold them responsible for materials that students acquire as a result of the use of the Internet from school facilities. We accept full responsibility for supervision if and when our child’s use of the Internet is conducted outside the school setting. We give permission to the South Monterey County Joint Union High School District to issue an Internet account for our child or to permit our child to access the Internet without an account on equipment provided on the school site.
NOTE: The use of an Internet account is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of those privileges and/or disciplinary action by school officials. A student’s activities while using the Internet in this school must be in support of education and research and consistent with the educational objectives of the school. In addition, a user accessing the Internet is responsible for all online activities, which take place through the use of his or her account. When using another organizations’ networks or computing resources, students must comply with the rules for that network.